
September, 2021
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0001, Japan

表参道の華やかな街並みの路地裏に、ポツンと取り残された古い家屋。昭和の佇まいをそのまま纏った木造二階建ての建築。 その家屋を取り巻いてきた時代や歴史を感じさせる"あるがままのよさ"を生かすというかたちで、このプロジェクトは始まった。
"古き良き文化の継承と、未来への挑戦"。"和とフレンチの融合"これらの相対する要素を融合させることをデザインコンセプトとして、店内構成を行なった。 オーナーの中田氏、シェフの木本氏の要望もあり、店の外観はあえてそのままとした。 店内を案内するサインも演出もない、その家屋に足を踏み入れると、そのギャップに驚く。 華美な装飾をさけ、洗練された空間が広がる。照明は極力落とし、都会の喧騒から離れ、洒落た雰囲気を醸し出す。 メインのBig Counterは、木本シェフの拘りだ。一枚の大きなテーブルを介して、お客様との距離や心の繋がりを大切にしたいとの思いから、この仕様とした。 洗練された空間で、心あるおもてなし。大切な人に紹介したい、と思わせるお店となるに違いない。

An old house left behind in the back street of the fashionable townscape of Omotesando. It is a two-story wooden building that retains the appearance of the Showa period. The project started with the idea of "making use of the beauty of the house as it is," which reminds us of the era and history surrounding it.
"Inheritance of the good old culture and challenges into the future.""A fusion of Japanese and French cuisine. "The interior of the restaurant is in accord with the design concept of fusing these opposing elements. At the requests of the owner, Mr. Nakata, and the chef, Mr. Kimoto, the restaurant's exterior has been intentionally left unchanged. There are no signs or performances for customers to find their way around the restaurant, and when you step into the building, you will be surprised by the gap. The refined space spreads out without ornate decorations. The lighting is kept as low as possible, creating a stylish atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the urban area.A main big counter is Chef Kimoto's preference. The specifications of the counter are based on his desire to place importance on the distance and emotional connection with the customers through a single large table. Heartfelt hospitality in a sophisticated space.It will definitely become a place that you would like to introduce to your loved ones.

Designer Takayoshi Ichimura
  Yudai Sasaki
Art Work Ergo
Contractor Atwork
Lighting Design Unity
Custom lighting Always
Kitchen Daiwa Industries
Photographer Shin Inaba