Pizza marumo

December, 2022
Ebisu Verso Building 1F, 1-11-13,Ebisu-minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

氏が手掛ける料理には素材の持つ力強さが生き、五感を刺激する独創的なアイディアが散りばめられている。ナポリピッツァと和の融合。 シェフのキャリアを体現しているこの言葉から、デザイン計画を行った。エントランスはモダンな和の暖簾でお客様を迎える。店内にはメインカウンターを設け、シェフのオリジナリティ溢れる世界観を表現するLIVE感溢れる場とした。 天板には大胆な模様の大理石。素材の持つ自然美かつ無二の要素をデザインに取り入れた。 カウンター内の拘りのピザ釜は、丸の模様でデザインされている。ここにも氏の、丸いピッツァを通して人の輪を大切にし、和を繋いでいきたいという想いが込められている。 自身の作ったピッツァをたくさんの人に食してもらいたい・・そんなシェフの食に対する情熱と、これからの夢のストーリーを詰め込んだ空間。 たくさんの人が訪れ、輪が生まれ繋がっていくことを願っている。

The first pizza restaurant to open in Ebisu, where many famous restaurants are located.
Chef Motokura has an unusual background, having trained at a tea-ceremony dish restaurant and then studied under a pizza chef. His dishes show the powerful vitality of the ingredients and are interspersed with creative ideas that stimulate our senses. “A fusion of Neapolitan pizza and Japanese flavors.” From this word, which embodies the chef's career, I created a design plan. The entrance welcomes guests with a modern Japanese short split curtain. Inside the restaurant is equipped with a main counter, which is filled with a live atmosphere to express the chef's unique view of the world. The top panel is made of marble with a bold pattern. The natural beauty of the material and it's unique elements are incorporated into the design. The special pizza oven inside the counter is designed with a circle pattern. This design, too, reflects his desire to cherish the harmony of the people and connect friendliness through the round pizza. It's a space filled with the chef's passion for food and the story of his dreams for the future, who wants a lot of people to eat his pizza. I hope that many people will visit here and that harmony will be born and connected.

Interior Design Takayoshi Ichimura
  Yudai Sasaki
Contractor Atwork
Lighting Design Y-Lights / Ryotaro Ikeda
  Y-Lights / Hiroaki Okuda
Custom lighting Always
Funiture Leif.designpark / Keizaburo Honda
Counter marble Sekigaharasekizai
Planting Kyu / Akie Doi
Art Work Shigekix (Art)
Photographer Nacasa & Partners