Tokyu Harvest Club Kyukaruizawa
Buffet Restaurant 'SAI'

March, 2022
Buffet Restaurant
1178-49 Karuizawa, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasakugun, Nagano-ken, Japan

会員制ホテル東急ハーヴェストクラブ旧軽井沢 ブッフェレストラン彩のRenewal案件。 コンセプトは‘森の恵’。自然のもつ力強さや温かみのある雰囲気に加え、軽井沢の持つ品格を念頭にデザイン構成した。 店内には軽井沢の樹木の一つである白樺を使用したパーテーションを設え、ナチュラルさと安らぎを感じられるよう演出。 カウンターは無垢の柱材を積み上げ、自然の持つ力強さと軽井沢の洗練されたイメージを表現した。 ブッフェは楽しさと賑わいを感じてもらえるよう、石を散りばめたテラゾーの天板を施した。その他、高低差のあるラウンドテーブルに、 料理に合わせたテーブルウェア。グラフィックは一つ一つ軽井沢の名産をモチーフにし、この土地ならではのおもてなし感にこだわった。 さらに面白みの要素として、バウムクーヘンマシンの 'THEO' を導入し、飽きさせない仕掛けを随所に取り入れたデザインとした。

Membership Hotel “Tokyu Harvest Club Kyu Karuizawa” Buffet Restaurant Aya's Renewal Deal The concept is "Blessing of rich forest resources". We were trying to maintain the dignity of Karuizawa with our design, while reflecting the strength and warmth of nature. Partitions made of local birch wood in Karuizawa were installed inside the restaurant to create a natural and relaxing atmosphere for visitors. The counter is made of stacked solid wood pillars, expressing the strength of nature's force and sophistication of Karuizawa. The buffet's tabletop has a terrazzo surface finish sprinkled with stones to create a sense of fun and liveliness. Other features include set of different height round tables with tableware considered to match their food. Each graphic was inspired by a popular local specialty of Karuizawa. Thus, we placed high importance on the sense of hospitality, which is unique and distinct to this area. As an element of fun and entertainment, AI oven for Baumkuchen “THEO” was brought over. There are more ideas and unique designs that we are sure visitors will be very impressed with.

Interior Design Mono-Graph / Takayoshi Ichimura
  Yudai Sasaki
Consulting Operation Factory / Shinpei Nakajima
Graphic Design Operation Factory / Shiori Yamaguchi
Tableware Design Miyo Yamamoto
Art Work Ergo
Contractor Fujita Kenso
Lighting Unity
Custom lighting Always
Photographer Shin Inaba